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Our Story

Rooted in Family: Our Winery Journey

All began with a trip to Eastern Texas, where inspiration ignited an idea destined for North Alabama. A decade ago, Eric Cornelius ventured to Eastern Texas, where he encountered Pierre de Wet, owner of Kiepersol Winery & Estate, whose expertise and passion left an unforgettable mark. Inspired by the warmth and hospitality of Texas wine country, Eric returned to North Alabama with a dream. As soon as he returned home, he immediately began crafting plans for bringing Bloom Vineyard to life. 

Years later, Eric, accompanied by his two daughters, revisited Texas to expand their knowledge of wine and hospitality. With Eric's recent retirement from education, this trip marked a new beginning, full of excitement and possibility.

In the summer of 2021, Bloom Winery opened its doors, becoming a place where friends gather and memories are made. Since then, we've been overwhelmed by the support and love from our community. As we continue to grow and evolve, we're grateful for the opportunity to share our passion for wine with all who walk through our doors.

Blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. - Jeremiah 17:7

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